Deck Restoration NZ
At Deck Restoration NZ we are dedicated deck restoration & resurfacing company
Deck Restoration NZ
About Us
At Deck Restoration NZ we are dedicated deck restoration & resurfacing company we take what we do seriously as we are aware that an aesthetically appealing outdoor decking area can bring both enjoyment & potentially improved property resale values.
When choosing Deck Restoration NZ you can take comfort knowing that our business is insured correctly, our tools are well maintained, work sites are kept safe at all times , moreover we don’t outsource our work to unskilled subcontractors.
Additionally any chemical products we use on your decking and around your property are domestically rated and designed to have minimal impact at all to plants, pets, people and the environment.

Deck Restoration NZ
Our Services
Deck Restoration NZ Provide Unique Offers & Services

Deck Restoration
If your Deck coating has worn through to bare timber OR is looking grey then this is the service for you. One of the key foundations is we only use high quality finish and state of art equipment to complete

Deck Sanding & Coating
We will Sand the deck down to bare wood ,remove cupping where possible, remove any previous coatings, Reset protruding nails or screws , fine sanding followed by 2 -3 coats premium water based

Deck Cleaning & Preparation
Once the timber has been stripped and prepared for staining, the first step is to wash down the deck. Then use of a suitable cleaning solution for your deck, followed by a pressure clean provides

Driveway, Pavement Clean & Seal
We professionally Pressure wash with controlled pressure all concrete surfaces ( driveway , pavement , Path with our intensive time honoured processes that have been developed over
What our clients say about us
Read our reviews on Builderscrack NZ